Please subscribe to my blog. It’s easy. It’s free. It’s fun! Just a few notches below a whole day at Disneyland. Just look on the control panel on the right of the page, and press the button that says, “Sign Me Up!”

You’ll be notified anytime a new story, update, picture or video gets added.

I will be updating between now and when I depart April, 2011, as I make my preparations and plan my hike from Mexico to Canada. There will be lots going on between now and then. Also, when I finally do get underway, I will be updating from the trail as often as technology allows me.

If you have Twitter, add me there as well ( ThruHike4Freedm), as I’ll be using the Tweet lines to keep people informed on occasion.

Tell your friends, tell your family, tell your barber & grocery store checkout clerk! Please help me make a difference. Thank you!

19 Responses to PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!

  1. Richard Kidd says:

    Go Doug!

  2. Randy and Michelle Ford says:

    What an adventure you are about to undertake! We will pray for your safe trip! When you are in the Seattle area let us know, we would love to have you stay with us, or meet you for a meal!

    • thf2 says:

      Hey Randy! I would LOVE to see you guys! I’ll definitely make sure we spend some time together. It’s been too long, seeing your smiling mug would be awesome. Looking forward to it, we’ll make sure it happens.

  3. Melissa (Steele) Walling says:

    All the way babie! Good luck Dug!!!

  4. Renae says:

    Good luck on your journey Dug. Go alpacas!

  5. ILoveStringCheese says:

    Do you have an official start date yet? Hope all is well with you! Prayin’ for ya!

  6. Gary Waayers Father of Music Man says:

    Really like your videos, each gives a feel for the place and the effort. I began to follow you when my son showed of briefly in video 10 at the end of the first segment. Will continue to follow you as a pseudo way of following all Thru-hikers this year. Good luck.

    • thf2 says:

      Hi Mr. Waayers! He told me you were following, I appreciate that. Look for a special video I just put up, you’ll really like the subject!

  7. limr says:

    I bookmarked your site back in March when I first saw it (you commented on the “My Cat Says Hello” post on my blog) and checked back from time to time. I got caught up in the end of the semester and finally checked back in, and I missed the start of the hike! I’m catching up and am really enjoying your updates, and I don’t want to miss any more 🙂

    Good luck! We’re all cheering you on.

  8. Who knew picking up hiker trash would be so interesting:)…..As Miss Kourtney stated, it’s a whole other world out there. The videos are amazing, I will definitely be tagging along through the rest of your trip. I wish you luck through the rest of your journey!

  9. Don says:

    Hi Doug (or is it Dug?)

    I’m home in Sonoma County today but I wanted to check out your blog since we briefly spoke
    on the trail near Showers Lake (near Lake Tahoe). I was with the day hiking group from Sacramento and I was the one who asked for your trail name. We’re section hiking the TRT on a weekly basis with each section working out to roughly 18 or 19 miles.

    Anyway, your bio sounds a lot like me. In fact, my email lettering of ” JCIL….” merely means
    ” Jesus Christ Is Lord “….. I wasn’t surprised at your faith that I read about here because I
    could see the joy in your face as we spoke. Like you, I’ve been walking in the desert for a long
    time but this is only a temporary existence in this world so my own inner joy still continues to
    bubble up. I’ve also been dreaming of a PCT through hike myself for over 2 years.

    I have subscribed to your blog. Maybe we’ll be able to hike and share faith some day in the future.
    Our “home ports” of Sacramento & Sonoma County aren’t all that far apart.


    • thf2 says:

      Hey Don, I remember the group, and look forward to getting together sometime. Thanks for the kind words, and I’ll have you in my prayers…and keep dreaming the dream, anything can happen! 🙂

  10. Cheryl says:

    Nice work! It’s Cheryl the cyclist you met on top of donner summit when you were heading to soda springs for some lunch! finish safe!

  11. Kleff says:

    Dug, you’re a plowshare stud. So glad you are doing this and so bummed I missed your call the other day. Love the description of your wears….I’ll leave it at that. 🙂


  12. LEWIS HALL says:

    Hi Dug
    Just wanted to let you know how much we enjoyed talking with you. Been thinking about you since. We were the ones in the green pickup that stopped and talked with you as you were making the unbelievably difficult decision to end your quest by Lemelo Lake in Oregon. You are an inspiration. Continually think that there may have been some way to help short of giving a stranger on a mountain road money. So glad that I took the time to log on to the website you gave us and read about your journey. Makes me cry that there were no more blog entries after you met us. Was hoping that you were able to find a way to continue. I would love to hear how your day went after we met. I hope in some way we will become friends

  13. edmacca says:

    Hi Dug, are u still on the pct?

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